Associate Medical Director (multiple posts)

Black Country Integrated Care Board


This job is now closed

Job summary

Applications are invited for the posts of 5 Associate Medical Officers (AMDs) from dynamic and collaborative clinical colleagues with a reasonable experience of leadership roles or projects.

Applications are welcomed from a wide range of clinical backgrounds - medical, nursing, pharmacy, AHP, public health, optometry, dentistry and related disciplines and it is expected that the candidates have a significant understanding of health inequalities alongside a passion to make change at system level. The applicants can be working in any part of the health care system- primary care, acute hospital, community services, mental health services, or local authorities.

SAS doctors are also encouraged to apply if they have the relevant experience.

Supporting the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and team with a large portfolio, the AMDs will hold several responsibilities working across the system and as part of a passionate, multi-disciplinary team. The importance of strong clinical leadership is recognised widely as being one of the biggest drivers of improved quality and safety of care, innovation and transformation. This also helps with recruitment and retention of staff, along with greater clinician engagement in the work required for system change.

This role attracts between 3-5 sessions or Programmed Activities (PAs), however we are flexible to accommodate job share arrangements in order to work around clinical responsibilities.

Main duties of the job

  • Work closely with the Deputy CMOs and fellow AMDs, deputising as required.
  • Develop close working relationships with other senior leaders in the Integrated Care Board (ICB), the Integrated Care System (ICS) and the 4 Places (Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton) so that the Medical Directorate works in an integrated and collaborative manner across Health and Care organisations at System and Place. This will involve working across all ICS partners.
  • Ensure that collaboration takes place with colleagues in the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) as required to carry out the duties of the role.
  • Line manager responsibility for Clinical Directors and Clinical Leads as required, with all of the usual managerial requirements.
  • Ensure mechanisms are in place for clinicians and care professionals to have access to relevant shared data and analytics.
  • Lead appropriate programmes, projects, systems, and processes to support transformation and implementation of agreed strategies and care pathways.
  • Working with Senior Leaders in the system to deliver the ICBs joint forward plan in line with the agreed operating model.

The AMD roles to be appointed will each cover one of six main portfolios listed within the JD with the exception of Clinical Involvement and Engagement. This will be recruited to at a later date.

In your application, please indicate:

  • the number of sessions you are able to offer if appointed.
  • which of the 5 AMD roles you are interested in.

About us

The Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB) is a statutory NHS organisation responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of 1.26 million people in the Black Country. We manage the NHS budget for Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton and are responsible for planning and buying Primary Medical Services (GPs), dental, optometry and pharmacy services.

We are part of the Black Country Integrated Care System (ICS), known as Healthier Futures, which is a partnership of organisations working together to bring health and social care services closer together for the good of our communities. We support the ICS vision for a healthier place with healthier people and healthier futures.

The ICB has five core values that underpin the way we work and help to guide our actions and the decisions we make for local people and communities. These are compassion, inclusivity, integrity, fairness and trust.

We are an equal opportunities employer who actively supports and encourages increasing the diversity of our employees, and welcome applications from people with transferable skills gained through experience across the full range of health and social care settings.

We are also a bronze award holder under the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS). The ERS recognises commitment and support from UK employers for defence personnel.

Note: in case of fraudulent activity please ensure you check the sender which will be from

Date posted

12 December 2024

Pay scheme



£13,500 a session



Working pattern

Part-time, Flexible working

Reference number


Job locations

Wolverhampton City Council

St. Peters Square



Job description

Job responsibilities

  • Act as an ICB Associate Medical Director
  • Provide the strategic direction for your portfolio across the system.
  • Act as the ICB expert for your respective field or portfolio.
  • Provide clinical support, advice, and guidance on behalf of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer to the ICB, other system functions and stakeholders as required.
  • Provide oversight for clinical leadership for their respective portfolio, collaborating closely with the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Medical Director for Primary Care, Chief Pharmacist, Clinical Directors, Heads and Clinical Leads within the CMO directorate.
  • Commensurate with the seniority of a system level Associate Medical Director it is expected that

o You will deputise for the Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Medical Director functions as required.

o You will respond to the emerging needs and priorities of the system, necessitating the flexible evolution of your responsibilities and professional portfolio.

  • Represent the Office of the Chief Medical Officer Regionally (or beyond) as required.
  • Work to support delivery of the requirements of the Black Country Operating Model, which includes (but is not restricted to) chairing a Black Country wide Clinical Reference Group (CRG). Each CRG will be in a defined clinical area working with colleagues across the system who are experts in their designated fields, to deliver improved outcomes for our population.
  • The proposed CRGs are four as follows:

o Cardiometabolic

o Respiratory

o Children and Young People (CYP)

o Frailty, Palliative and End of Life Care

  • Support and co-ordinate the development of services between the four places of the BC ICB system to meet the needs of our population, taking a whole-person biopsychosocial approach across all services and working to seamless delivery of care from the user perspective.
  • Engage with the system stakeholders and public during consultation.
  • Work proactively and collaboratively to support the health and care with place and neighbourhood levels, across health and local government - working closely with primary care, community services, NHS, care providers and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) stakeholders.
  • To develop strong professional working relationships, both within the ICB and across the wider Black Country system. This will include working closely with other directorates where this is matrix connection to support and contribute to (as appropriate) -

o The evidence-based use of healthcare resources with the Chief Financial and Operating directorates.

o Innovation in workforce development with the Chief People Officer Directorate

o Clinical Quality and Safety with the Chief Nursing Directorate

o Support the Involvement and Communications Teams with the delivery of portfolio-specific public/patient engagement, media campaigns, responses to queries and appearances.

o Innovation in population health management in conjunction with the Transformation Directorate.

o Support the Primary Care Directorate for resilience and facilitating continued development.

  • Provide advice and leadership to support clinical decision making and strategic planning in line with national strategies and guidance.
  • Provide advice and leadership to support clinical decision making and strategic planning in line with The Joint Forward Plan (JFP).
  • Ensuring complete and timely reports to the CMO Office and other relevant Committees and Boards and in line with ICB governance.
  • This postholder will have performance and objectives regularly reviewed by the DCMO and /or other senior colleagues within the directorate where pertinent through an annual appraisal process, quarterly reviews and ad hoc 1:1s alongside other clinical professional appraisal processes.
  • It is expected that the postholder will cross-cover other AMDs during leave and where required in line with business needs.
  • It is expected that the postholder will perform tasks and duties as assigned which maybe outside of their portfolio of work from time to time and as required.
  • The postholder will be expected to undertake continuing professional development and continuing clinical education as appropriate to their profession or registration.
  • Duties to be undertaken, dependent upon the number of sessions undertaken will be determined in discussion with the line manager.

Job description

Job responsibilities

  • Act as an ICB Associate Medical Director
  • Provide the strategic direction for your portfolio across the system.
  • Act as the ICB expert for your respective field or portfolio.
  • Provide clinical support, advice, and guidance on behalf of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer to the ICB, other system functions and stakeholders as required.
  • Provide oversight for clinical leadership for their respective portfolio, collaborating closely with the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Medical Director for Primary Care, Chief Pharmacist, Clinical Directors, Heads and Clinical Leads within the CMO directorate.
  • Commensurate with the seniority of a system level Associate Medical Director it is expected that

o You will deputise for the Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Medical Director functions as required.

o You will respond to the emerging needs and priorities of the system, necessitating the flexible evolution of your responsibilities and professional portfolio.

  • Represent the Office of the Chief Medical Officer Regionally (or beyond) as required.
  • Work to support delivery of the requirements of the Black Country Operating Model, which includes (but is not restricted to) chairing a Black Country wide Clinical Reference Group (CRG). Each CRG will be in a defined clinical area working with colleagues across the system who are experts in their designated fields, to deliver improved outcomes for our population.
  • The proposed CRGs are four as follows:

o Cardiometabolic

o Respiratory

o Children and Young People (CYP)

o Frailty, Palliative and End of Life Care

  • Support and co-ordinate the development of services between the four places of the BC ICB system to meet the needs of our population, taking a whole-person biopsychosocial approach across all services and working to seamless delivery of care from the user perspective.
  • Engage with the system stakeholders and public during consultation.
  • Work proactively and collaboratively to support the health and care with place and neighbourhood levels, across health and local government - working closely with primary care, community services, NHS, care providers and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) stakeholders.
  • To develop strong professional working relationships, both within the ICB and across the wider Black Country system. This will include working closely with other directorates where this is matrix connection to support and contribute to (as appropriate) -

o The evidence-based use of healthcare resources with the Chief Financial and Operating directorates.

o Innovation in workforce development with the Chief People Officer Directorate

o Clinical Quality and Safety with the Chief Nursing Directorate

o Support the Involvement and Communications Teams with the delivery of portfolio-specific public/patient engagement, media campaigns, responses to queries and appearances.

o Innovation in population health management in conjunction with the Transformation Directorate.

o Support the Primary Care Directorate for resilience and facilitating continued development.

  • Provide advice and leadership to support clinical decision making and strategic planning in line with national strategies and guidance.
  • Provide advice and leadership to support clinical decision making and strategic planning in line with The Joint Forward Plan (JFP).
  • Ensuring complete and timely reports to the CMO Office and other relevant Committees and Boards and in line with ICB governance.
  • This postholder will have performance and objectives regularly reviewed by the DCMO and /or other senior colleagues within the directorate where pertinent through an annual appraisal process, quarterly reviews and ad hoc 1:1s alongside other clinical professional appraisal processes.
  • It is expected that the postholder will cross-cover other AMDs during leave and where required in line with business needs.
  • It is expected that the postholder will perform tasks and duties as assigned which maybe outside of their portfolio of work from time to time and as required.
  • The postholder will be expected to undertake continuing professional development and continuing clinical education as appropriate to their profession or registration.
  • Duties to be undertaken, dependent upon the number of sessions undertaken will be determined in discussion with the line manager.

Person Specification



  • A clinically related qualification
  • Member of a relevant professional body



  • Track record of delivering programmes of change to transform or improve clinical services.
  • An understanding of the structure of Integrated Care Systems, roles, and remit
  • Good understanding of the multiple models of care delivery within the Black Country System
  • Good understanding of integrated models of care across primary, secondary, tertiary and community care and appreciation of Primary Care contracting and Specialised Commissioning processes.
  • An appreciation of wider NHS contracting processes.
  • Experience of delivering presentations to large groups of stakeholders appreciating these are often pressured and politically sensitive environments.
  • Knowledge of the sub-region
  • A good understanding of how to use data and financial incentives to improve quality and productivity
  • Should have an appreciation of the relationship between the Department of Health & Social Care, NHSE and individual provider, commissioning organisations and partners



  • Experience as a clinical leader (at least 2 years) in a formal role (i.e. Clinical Director, Associate Clinical Director, Nursing/AHP/Pharmacy leader) or experience in leading or significantly contributing to clinical projects - quality improvement, clinical pathways, service change, patient quality and safety initiatives or similar.
  • Significant evidence of continued professional development.
  • Experience in liaison and negotiation processes with provider and partner organisations.
  • Demonstrated leadership or contributions to meaningful service change in one or more of the aforementioned Associate Medical Director portfolio areas as outlined in the job description.
  • Experience of clinically led, innovation, service design and operational improvement.
  • Experience of place-based clinical and care initiatives supporting the portfolio areas as outlined in the job description.



  • Will consider the most effective way to promote equality of opportunity and good working relationships in employment and service delivery and the ability to take actions which support and promote this agenda.
  • Values diversity and difference, operates with integrity and openness.
  • Actively develops themselves and others.
  • Works across boundaries, looks for collective success, listens, involves, respects, and learns from the contribution of others.
  • Excellent communication skills in a politically sensitive environment
  • Be prepared to "think like a patient" and "act like a taxpayer" - operating with integrity, respect, and passion for improving the NHS, involving patients and the public in their work.
  • An ability to maintain confidentiality and trust when faced with ambiguity and complexity. An important measure of success in this role will be the ability to form and sustain relationships, often across Health and Social Care partners
Person Specification



  • A clinically related qualification
  • Member of a relevant professional body



  • Track record of delivering programmes of change to transform or improve clinical services.
  • An understanding of the structure of Integrated Care Systems, roles, and remit
  • Good understanding of the multiple models of care delivery within the Black Country System
  • Good understanding of integrated models of care across primary, secondary, tertiary and community care and appreciation of Primary Care contracting and Specialised Commissioning processes.
  • An appreciation of wider NHS contracting processes.
  • Experience of delivering presentations to large groups of stakeholders appreciating these are often pressured and politically sensitive environments.
  • Knowledge of the sub-region
  • A good understanding of how to use data and financial incentives to improve quality and productivity
  • Should have an appreciation of the relationship between the Department of Health & Social Care, NHSE and individual provider, commissioning organisations and partners



  • Experience as a clinical leader (at least 2 years) in a formal role (i.e. Clinical Director, Associate Clinical Director, Nursing/AHP/Pharmacy leader) or experience in leading or significantly contributing to clinical projects - quality improvement, clinical pathways, service change, patient quality and safety initiatives or similar.
  • Significant evidence of continued professional development.
  • Experience in liaison and negotiation processes with provider and partner organisations.
  • Demonstrated leadership or contributions to meaningful service change in one or more of the aforementioned Associate Medical Director portfolio areas as outlined in the job description.
  • Experience of clinically led, innovation, service design and operational improvement.
  • Experience of place-based clinical and care initiatives supporting the portfolio areas as outlined in the job description.



  • Will consider the most effective way to promote equality of opportunity and good working relationships in employment and service delivery and the ability to take actions which support and promote this agenda.
  • Values diversity and difference, operates with integrity and openness.
  • Actively develops themselves and others.
  • Works across boundaries, looks for collective success, listens, involves, respects, and learns from the contribution of others.
  • Excellent communication skills in a politically sensitive environment
  • Be prepared to "think like a patient" and "act like a taxpayer" - operating with integrity, respect, and passion for improving the NHS, involving patients and the public in their work.
  • An ability to maintain confidentiality and trust when faced with ambiguity and complexity. An important measure of success in this role will be the ability to form and sustain relationships, often across Health and Social Care partners

UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see NHS Careers website (opens in a new window).

Additional information

UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see NHS Careers website (opens in a new window).

Employer details

Employer name

Black Country Integrated Care Board


Wolverhampton City Council

St. Peters Square



Employer's website (Opens in a new tab)

Employer details

Employer name

Black Country Integrated Care Board


Wolverhampton City Council

St. Peters Square



Employer's website (Opens in a new tab)

For questions about the job, contact:

Dr Ananta Dave (via Janet Abreu-Leadbetter)

Date posted

12 December 2024

Pay scheme



£13,500 a session



Working pattern

Part-time, Flexible working

Reference number


Job locations

Wolverhampton City Council

St. Peters Square



Supporting documents

Privacy notice

Black Country Integrated Care Board's privacy notice (opens in a new tab)