LDAP Key Worker Senior Practitioner

Livewell Southwest


This job is now closed

Job summary

37.5 hours per week. Livewell South West (LSW) delivers children's health services that forms part of systemwide service that delivers an integrated, coordinated support model which wraps around Children, Young People (CYP) and their family/carers. LSW respond to all elements of the commissioners strategy and specification along with the vision and strategic direction of Devon's Sustainability Transformation Partnership. It builds on our strong relationships across education, health, social care and voluntary sector services in Devon, and, most importantly, it works in partnership with CYP and their family/carers. This role is part of a key worker pilot designed in partnership with NHS England. The pilot will deliver a new way of supporting Children and Young People (CYP) with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and/or a Learning Disability (LD) and their family/carers. This role will enable CYP and their family/carers to get the right support at the right time and ensure local systems are responsive to meeting their needs in a holistic and joined up way.

This role will be working outside of Plymouth in wider Devon working with Children and Young People and families/Carer whilst they are awaiting assessment. The role will involve managing a team of LDAP Keyworker, Assistant Practitioner's providing line management and caseload management. They will work alongside the Service Manager to set up this new offer to CYP and Families. Secondment suitable role

Main duties of the job

The principal purpose of the job is to improve the health & wellbeing of children, young people, young adults, and their families/carers with a range of mental health difficulties. This will be achieved by:

Active involvement in the delivery of high quality, safe and compassionate mental health services as an effective member of the multi-disciplinary team.

Implementing specific assessment, review and care packages to individuals and groups within standard protocols, integrated care pathways

Providing evidence-based advice and consultancy to young people, family members/carers within standard protocols

Organising and managing a defined caseload under distant guidance and work as lone workers where appropriate.

The post holder will be accountable for their own actions within the delivery of this care.

Seeking advice and expertise of a registered practitioner when required through the use of regular managerial and clinical supervision in accordance with Livewell policy.

All Livewell Southwest staff are expected to able and willing to work across a 7 day service.

Job Share(s) Considered

"please note that this role may not be eligible for sponsorship under the Skilled Worker route, please refer to the Direct Gov website for more information with regards to eligibility"

About us

Livewell Southwest is an independent, award-winning social enterprise providing integrated health & social care services for people across Plymouth, South Hams & West Devon, as well as some specialist services for people living in parts of Devon & Cornwall. With teams in community hospitals, GP practices, sports centres, health & wellbeing hubs.

As an organisation with a strong social conscience, we always value being kind, respectful, inclusive, ambitious, responsible and collaborative. Transforming services to make them sustainable, ensuring that we value, support & empower each other.

We are committed to involving the people we care for, families & carers in everything that we do, working towards co-production where we can. Helping us to deliver the right care for people, in the right place & at the right time. By putting people at the centre of what we do, we ensure to support people to lead, healthy independent lives & be the very best at helping people to live well.

Valuing our employees making an investment in their development a priority. We offer:

Protected CPD time for registered staff

Various development pathways and ongoing regular training packages for all staff

Leadership & mentoring programmes

Access & funding for training including Care Certificate, Assistant Practitioners Course & Scholarship Into Nurse Training

A Robust Preceptorship

A bespoke induction programme

Existing members of the NHS Pension Scheme can continue their membership when they join the organisation.

Date posted

14 September 2023

Pay scheme

Agenda for change


Band 7


£43,742 to £50,056 a year pa, pro-rata


Fixed term


12 months

Working pattern

Full-time, Part-time, Job share, Flexible working

Reference number


Job locations

200 Mount Gould Road

Mount Gould




Job description

Job responsibilities

The role of the Keyworker Senior Practitioner will be to work across education, healthand social care to enable whole system change to embed principles of transforming careand SEND reforms to improve the experience of CYP and families.

Within this role the post holder will:

Work across Devon supporting the development of the waiting list support part of LDAP

Contribute to the multi-professional team to provide specific, evidence basedinterventions to children/young people and their families/carers who have beenreferred with Autism, Learning disabilities and co existing mental health needs.

Have outstanding communication skills and the ability to engage with children/youngpeople and their families/carers as well as a range of professionals.

Undertake specialist assessments, manage risks and hold a complex caseloadcollaboratively using a goals-based approach and routine outcome measures toinform practice.

Using a strengths-based approach, ensure clinical effectiveness through the use ofevidence-based interventions, goal-based, collaborative practice and Routine

Outcome Measures.

Provide supervision and support to other clinicians with the ability to demonstratecompassionate leadership, to understand and follow HR policies and procedures,ensure staff wellbeing and development and adopt a collaborative approach toengage staff with a range of skills and communication needs.

Work effectively with operational, professional and clinical leadership colleagues tosupport clinicians in devising and implementing evidence-based care to suit theindividual needs of parents/carers and Infants.

Contribute at a senior practitioner level, to the provision of a range of early help/lighttouch interventions across pathways such as emotional health and well-being,sensory issues, positive behavioural support.

Attend, participate and chair relevant meetings with the ability to present informationin a range of formats, adapting communication to meet the needs of others.

To promote and support participation of service users and parent carers acrosshealth, education and social care the service.

The post holder will contribute to the CAMHS Out of Hours Rota.

Duties and Responsibilities

Communication and Working Relationship Skills

To provide and receive highly complex and sensitive information with children,young people, carers and families and adjust the communication style to meetspecific needs and overcome barriers to understanding.

To form and maintain good working relationships with others, effectivelycommunicating with supervisees, clinicians, colleagues, managers andprofessionals in a multi-disciplinary team and across a range of agencies.

To form and maintain good supervisory relationships with others, supportingreflective practice and evidence-based care.

To receive complex sensitive information

To manage and respond to high levels of distress, trauma and emotion withempathy, compassion, reassurance, persuasion, resilience and sensitivity.

To co-ordinate and liaise with other professionals offering services to children andyoung people and organise, chair or attend a range of professional meetings asrequired.

To be able to lead clinical meetings, empowering all staff to have a voice andensuring accurate record keeping of meeting minutes.

To be able to present complex information in a range of formats in a professional,clear and organised manner to a range of audiences.

Analytical and Judgemental Skills

To undertake and oversee comprehensive or specialist mental health assessmentsand interventions for children/young people and their families/carers, presenting withcomplex needs.

To provide a range of specialists therapeutic interventions and expertise andadvice.

To review, analyse and report on key data relating to the clinical care, interventionsand outcomes.

To work as an autonomous practitioner with the ability to use your own judgement tomake decisions under pressure and seek support, supervision and professionalleadership when needed.

Planning and Organisational Skills

The ability to work with others to provide a co-ordinated response to meet the needsof infants and their families/carers, progress service developments and achieveoutcomes as set out in action plans or team goals.

The ability to organise, plan and chair multi-agency meetings.

The ability to plan and organise your own time in order to complete tasks in a timelyway and prioritise clinical care appropriately.

Responsibility for Patient/Client Care, Treatment and Therapy

To make highly skilled advice and decisions about assessment, treatment anddischarge, including the management of risk. To formulate plans for psychologicaltreatment and/or specialist therapeutic interventions for infants, carers, families andgroups and to demonstrate awareness of diversity issues.

To carry a complex caseload, working effectively and according to NICE guidelines/evidence based practice to improve outcomes for children, ensuring thecollaborative use of Routine Outcome Measures, goal based care, risk managementand care planning when appropriate.

To work in a way that evidences compassionate leadership, promoting respect forothers, care for staff well-being and championing anti-discriminatory practice.

To work closely with professionals, children/young people and their parents/carers toensure collaborative care and decision making and promote participation across allaspects of service delivery and development.

To provide consultation, advice or training to a range of other professionals andorganisations across Health, Education and social care.

To contribute at an advanced practitioner level to the provision of a range ofbrief/light touch interventions across the pathways such as positive behavioursupport, sensory screening and interventions and mental well-being/resilience.

To always consider safeguarding and child protection issues, following relevantpolicies and procedures and receiving safeguarding supervision as required.

To produce reports on children/young people, in a timely manner, that convey thekey findings of assessment and formulation and treatment outcome in a way that isunderstandable to the recipients of the reports, including children/young people andtheir families and referrers.

Responsibility for Policy and Service Development Implementation

To provide children and young people with the opportunity to express their views inan age appropriate way, to have their opinions considered and to be able toinfluence the shaping of services

To follow their Employers policies, procedures and guidance as well as professionalstandards and guidelines

Responsibility for Finance, Equipment and Other Resources

To work to the financial policies and procedures as laid down by the employer

The post holder will take appropriate care of equipment entrusted to them for use.

The post holder is responsible for maintaining a clear desk policy and protecting allconfidential information in accordance with the organisations policies andprocedures.

The post holder will be required to act responsibly in terms of providing best valuepractice and protecting service resources.

To take responsibility for any specific materials you are required to use, maintainingtheir general standard and ensuring that adequate supplies are maintained

Responsibility for Human Resources, e.g. Supervision, Training, HR Advice and


To clinically supervise the work of others, specifically assistants and trainees,including contributing to the completion of appraisals and staff development.

To follow and implement relevant HR Policies and guidance.

To attend and deliver training, consultation and teaching as required.

To participate in the Organisations appraisal process.

Ensure prompt action is taken in raising issues with regard to staff performance,sickness, attendance levels and any disciplinary, capability or grievance matters.

Responsibility for Information Resources and Administrative Duties

To ensure the inputting of accurate and contemporaneous case notes on therelevant clinical systems in line with professional and organisational standards.

To be responsible for accurate and timely inputting of data into the relevant datacollection systems.

To have a sound knowledge of IT and the ability to use a clinical records systems.

To ensure all Employers policies, procedures and guidelines are followed.

To complete all statutory and mandatory training as required by the employer.

To identify and manage risks through incident reporting when appropriate.

To take part in and develop activities designed to improve service delivery or qualityof care such as staff surveys, participation and service development.

Responsibility for Research and Development

To participate in clinical audit and research as requiredFreedom to Act

To act as an autonomous professional with responsibility for a defined caseload aswell as the responsibility for the supervision of the practice of others, makingdecisions to prioritise care as appropriate.

Ability to make decisions, even in times of pressure or distress, in a thoughtful andinformed way to meet the needs of service users and staff and seeking guidance bypeers where appropriate.

To work in accordance with codes of practice as defined by the regulatory andprofessional body.

To work in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.

Any Other Specific Tasks Required

Ability to travel across Plymouth and Devon.

To contribute to the Out of Hours Rota.

Review of this Job Description

This job description is intended as an outline indicator of general areas of activity andwill be amended in the light of changing service needs. This job description is to bereviewed in conjunction with the post holder on an annual basis.

Job description

Job responsibilities

The role of the Keyworker Senior Practitioner will be to work across education, healthand social care to enable whole system change to embed principles of transforming careand SEND reforms to improve the experience of CYP and families.

Within this role the post holder will:

Work across Devon supporting the development of the waiting list support part of LDAP

Contribute to the multi-professional team to provide specific, evidence basedinterventions to children/young people and their families/carers who have beenreferred with Autism, Learning disabilities and co existing mental health needs.

Have outstanding communication skills and the ability to engage with children/youngpeople and their families/carers as well as a range of professionals.

Undertake specialist assessments, manage risks and hold a complex caseloadcollaboratively using a goals-based approach and routine outcome measures toinform practice.

Using a strengths-based approach, ensure clinical effectiveness through the use ofevidence-based interventions, goal-based, collaborative practice and Routine

Outcome Measures.

Provide supervision and support to other clinicians with the ability to demonstratecompassionate leadership, to understand and follow HR policies and procedures,ensure staff wellbeing and development and adopt a collaborative approach toengage staff with a range of skills and communication needs.

Work effectively with operational, professional and clinical leadership colleagues tosupport clinicians in devising and implementing evidence-based care to suit theindividual needs of parents/carers and Infants.

Contribute at a senior practitioner level, to the provision of a range of early help/lighttouch interventions across pathways such as emotional health and well-being,sensory issues, positive behavioural support.

Attend, participate and chair relevant meetings with the ability to present informationin a range of formats, adapting communication to meet the needs of others.

To promote and support participation of service users and parent carers acrosshealth, education and social care the service.

The post holder will contribute to the CAMHS Out of Hours Rota.

Duties and Responsibilities

Communication and Working Relationship Skills

To provide and receive highly complex and sensitive information with children,young people, carers and families and adjust the communication style to meetspecific needs and overcome barriers to understanding.

To form and maintain good working relationships with others, effectivelycommunicating with supervisees, clinicians, colleagues, managers andprofessionals in a multi-disciplinary team and across a range of agencies.

To form and maintain good supervisory relationships with others, supportingreflective practice and evidence-based care.

To receive complex sensitive information

To manage and respond to high levels of distress, trauma and emotion withempathy, compassion, reassurance, persuasion, resilience and sensitivity.

To co-ordinate and liaise with other professionals offering services to children andyoung people and organise, chair or attend a range of professional meetings asrequired.

To be able to lead clinical meetings, empowering all staff to have a voice andensuring accurate record keeping of meeting minutes.

To be able to present complex information in a range of formats in a professional,clear and organised manner to a range of audiences.

Analytical and Judgemental Skills

To undertake and oversee comprehensive or specialist mental health assessmentsand interventions for children/young people and their families/carers, presenting withcomplex needs.

To provide a range of specialists therapeutic interventions and expertise andadvice.

To review, analyse and report on key data relating to the clinical care, interventionsand outcomes.

To work as an autonomous practitioner with the ability to use your own judgement tomake decisions under pressure and seek support, supervision and professionalleadership when needed.

Planning and Organisational Skills

The ability to work with others to provide a co-ordinated response to meet the needsof infants and their families/carers, progress service developments and achieveoutcomes as set out in action plans or team goals.

The ability to organise, plan and chair multi-agency meetings.

The ability to plan and organise your own time in order to complete tasks in a timelyway and prioritise clinical care appropriately.

Responsibility for Patient/Client Care, Treatment and Therapy

To make highly skilled advice and decisions about assessment, treatment anddischarge, including the management of risk. To formulate plans for psychologicaltreatment and/or specialist therapeutic interventions for infants, carers, families andgroups and to demonstrate awareness of diversity issues.

To carry a complex caseload, working effectively and according to NICE guidelines/evidence based practice to improve outcomes for children, ensuring thecollaborative use of Routine Outcome Measures, goal based care, risk managementand care planning when appropriate.

To work in a way that evidences compassionate leadership, promoting respect forothers, care for staff well-being and championing anti-discriminatory practice.

To work closely with professionals, children/young people and their parents/carers toensure collaborative care and decision making and promote participation across allaspects of service delivery and development.

To provide consultation, advice or training to a range of other professionals andorganisations across Health, Education and social care.

To contribute at an advanced practitioner level to the provision of a range ofbrief/light touch interventions across the pathways such as positive behavioursupport, sensory screening and interventions and mental well-being/resilience.

To always consider safeguarding and child protection issues, following relevantpolicies and procedures and receiving safeguarding supervision as required.

To produce reports on children/young people, in a timely manner, that convey thekey findings of assessment and formulation and treatment outcome in a way that isunderstandable to the recipients of the reports, including children/young people andtheir families and referrers.

Responsibility for Policy and Service Development Implementation

To provide children and young people with the opportunity to express their views inan age appropriate way, to have their opinions considered and to be able toinfluence the shaping of services

To follow their Employers policies, procedures and guidance as well as professionalstandards and guidelines

Responsibility for Finance, Equipment and Other Resources

To work to the financial policies and procedures as laid down by the employer

The post holder will take appropriate care of equipment entrusted to them for use.

The post holder is responsible for maintaining a clear desk policy and protecting allconfidential information in accordance with the organisations policies andprocedures.

The post holder will be required to act responsibly in terms of providing best valuepractice and protecting service resources.

To take responsibility for any specific materials you are required to use, maintainingtheir general standard and ensuring that adequate supplies are maintained

Responsibility for Human Resources, e.g. Supervision, Training, HR Advice and


To clinically supervise the work of others, specifically assistants and trainees,including contributing to the completion of appraisals and staff development.

To follow and implement relevant HR Policies and guidance.

To attend and deliver training, consultation and teaching as required.

To participate in the Organisations appraisal process.

Ensure prompt action is taken in raising issues with regard to staff performance,sickness, attendance levels and any disciplinary, capability or grievance matters.

Responsibility for Information Resources and Administrative Duties

To ensure the inputting of accurate and contemporaneous case notes on therelevant clinical systems in line with professional and organisational standards.

To be responsible for accurate and timely inputting of data into the relevant datacollection systems.

To have a sound knowledge of IT and the ability to use a clinical records systems.

To ensure all Employers policies, procedures and guidelines are followed.

To complete all statutory and mandatory training as required by the employer.

To identify and manage risks through incident reporting when appropriate.

To take part in and develop activities designed to improve service delivery or qualityof care such as staff surveys, participation and service development.

Responsibility for Research and Development

To participate in clinical audit and research as requiredFreedom to Act

To act as an autonomous professional with responsibility for a defined caseload aswell as the responsibility for the supervision of the practice of others, makingdecisions to prioritise care as appropriate.

Ability to make decisions, even in times of pressure or distress, in a thoughtful andinformed way to meet the needs of service users and staff and seeking guidance bypeers where appropriate.

To work in accordance with codes of practice as defined by the regulatory andprofessional body.

To work in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.

Any Other Specific Tasks Required

Ability to travel across Plymouth and Devon.

To contribute to the Out of Hours Rota.

Review of this Job Description

This job description is intended as an outline indicator of general areas of activity andwill be amended in the light of changing service needs. This job description is to bereviewed in conjunction with the post holder on an annual basis.

Person Specification



  • Professional knowledge acquired through degree supplemented by
  • specialist training or equivalent experience to masters level WITH a relevant core professional
  • training (e.g. Nursing, Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, etc) and relevant
  • professional registration.
  • Training in an evidence-based therapeutic approach.
  • Evidence of relevant CPD.
  • Training in supervision and/or leadership skills.



  • Experience of working collaboratively with service users and their families/carers, including using goal-based care and routine outcome measures in practice.
  • Experience of working collaboratively in a multi-disciplinary team and across agencies.
  • Experience of working with children and young peoples mental health needs, families and parents/carers, maintaining a high degree of professionalism in the face of highly emotive and distressing problems and verbal abuse.
  • Experience of undertaking specialist mental health assessment and therapeutic interventions for in the area of childrens mental health, with the ability to work with complex needs and undertake risk
  • assessments.
  • Experience in providing effective clinical supervision, teaching, training and assessing in clinical
  • practice.
  • Experience of safeguarding infants and ensuring the safety of children in partnership with other agencies as appropriate.
  • Experience that evidences an ability to tend to diversity and work in a way that promotes anti-discriminatory
  • practice.
  • Experience of initiating, attending and contributing to multi-professional and inter-agency meetings.
  • Experience of providing professional teaching and training for other professionals.

Knowledge and Skills


  • Understanding of relevant legislation pertaining to child mental health.
  • High level knowledge of mental health presentations in and children/young people and knowledge of the theory and practice of short term and long term, evidence-based, clinical interventions in the
  • field of perinatal and infant mental health.
  • Knowledge of child development.
  • Knowledge of legislation in relation to children and adolescents and safeguarding procedures and policies.
  • Knowledge of NHS, Social Care and Education structures, national policies and frameworks,evidence based practice including NICE guidelines.
  • Knowledge of risk management and ability to monitor and assess risk and act accordingly to ensure safety.
  • Knowledge of supervision and leadership practice.
  • Knowledge of research methodology and outcome research methodology and outcome research design and ability to critically interpret research findings and data.
  • Knowledge of electronic patient record systems and the requirements around data reporting Specialist skill in the ability to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing complex highly technical and/or clinically sensitive information to clients, their families, carers and other
  • professional colleagues both within and outside the Service.
  • The ability to form and maintain good working relationships with others in multi-disciplinary and inter-agency settings.
  • The ability to form and maintain good supervisory and management relationships with others.
  • Capacity to write clear records and reports and to support others to do the same, in line with organisational and professional policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Ability to raise and have difficult conversations with others in a professional, respectful and collaborative manner.
  • Highly developed ability to integrate complex clinical information into a coherent formulation and share this with others including service users and professionals.
  • The ability to work as an autonomous senior staff member, to take on responsibility, make decisions under pressure and seek support as appropriate.
  • Ability to review, analyse and report on key data relating to the clinical performance, capacity or activity.
  • Ability to tolerate and reduce anxiety and distress in others, and use judgement skills to decide on relevant actions even in times of stress.
  • Planning & Organisational Skills
  • The ability to plan and organise your working week, prioritising tasks as appropriate and following lone working protocols.
  • The ability to plan and complete senior clinical tasks as directed and within reasonable timescales.
  • The ability to work with others and co-ordinate plans for identified service needs and organise a response that will meet the needs of service users.
Person Specification



  • Professional knowledge acquired through degree supplemented by
  • specialist training or equivalent experience to masters level WITH a relevant core professional
  • training (e.g. Nursing, Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, etc) and relevant
  • professional registration.
  • Training in an evidence-based therapeutic approach.
  • Evidence of relevant CPD.
  • Training in supervision and/or leadership skills.



  • Experience of working collaboratively with service users and their families/carers, including using goal-based care and routine outcome measures in practice.
  • Experience of working collaboratively in a multi-disciplinary team and across agencies.
  • Experience of working with children and young peoples mental health needs, families and parents/carers, maintaining a high degree of professionalism in the face of highly emotive and distressing problems and verbal abuse.
  • Experience of undertaking specialist mental health assessment and therapeutic interventions for in the area of childrens mental health, with the ability to work with complex needs and undertake risk
  • assessments.
  • Experience in providing effective clinical supervision, teaching, training and assessing in clinical
  • practice.
  • Experience of safeguarding infants and ensuring the safety of children in partnership with other agencies as appropriate.
  • Experience that evidences an ability to tend to diversity and work in a way that promotes anti-discriminatory
  • practice.
  • Experience of initiating, attending and contributing to multi-professional and inter-agency meetings.
  • Experience of providing professional teaching and training for other professionals.

Knowledge and Skills


  • Understanding of relevant legislation pertaining to child mental health.
  • High level knowledge of mental health presentations in and children/young people and knowledge of the theory and practice of short term and long term, evidence-based, clinical interventions in the
  • field of perinatal and infant mental health.
  • Knowledge of child development.
  • Knowledge of legislation in relation to children and adolescents and safeguarding procedures and policies.
  • Knowledge of NHS, Social Care and Education structures, national policies and frameworks,evidence based practice including NICE guidelines.
  • Knowledge of risk management and ability to monitor and assess risk and act accordingly to ensure safety.
  • Knowledge of supervision and leadership practice.
  • Knowledge of research methodology and outcome research methodology and outcome research design and ability to critically interpret research findings and data.
  • Knowledge of electronic patient record systems and the requirements around data reporting Specialist skill in the ability to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing complex highly technical and/or clinically sensitive information to clients, their families, carers and other
  • professional colleagues both within and outside the Service.
  • The ability to form and maintain good working relationships with others in multi-disciplinary and inter-agency settings.
  • The ability to form and maintain good supervisory and management relationships with others.
  • Capacity to write clear records and reports and to support others to do the same, in line with organisational and professional policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Ability to raise and have difficult conversations with others in a professional, respectful and collaborative manner.
  • Highly developed ability to integrate complex clinical information into a coherent formulation and share this with others including service users and professionals.
  • The ability to work as an autonomous senior staff member, to take on responsibility, make decisions under pressure and seek support as appropriate.
  • Ability to review, analyse and report on key data relating to the clinical performance, capacity or activity.
  • Ability to tolerate and reduce anxiety and distress in others, and use judgement skills to decide on relevant actions even in times of stress.
  • Planning & Organisational Skills
  • The ability to plan and organise your working week, prioritising tasks as appropriate and following lone working protocols.
  • The ability to plan and complete senior clinical tasks as directed and within reasonable timescales.
  • The ability to work with others and co-ordinate plans for identified service needs and organise a response that will meet the needs of service users.

Disclosure and Barring Service Check

This post is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1975 and as such it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) to check for any previous criminal convictions.

Certificate of Sponsorship

Applications from job seekers who require current Skilled worker sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. For further information visit the UK Visas and Immigration website (Opens in a new tab).

From 6 April 2017, skilled worker applicants, applying for entry clearance into the UK, have had to present a criminal record certificate from each country they have resided continuously or cumulatively for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. Adult dependants (over 18 years old) are also subject to this requirement. Guidance can be found here Criminal records checks for overseas applicants (Opens in a new tab).

UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see NHS Careers website (opens in a new window).

Additional information

Certificate of Sponsorship

Applications from job seekers who require current Skilled worker sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. For further information visit the UK Visas and Immigration website (Opens in a new tab).

From 6 April 2017, skilled worker applicants, applying for entry clearance into the UK, have had to present a criminal record certificate from each country they have resided continuously or cumulatively for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. Adult dependants (over 18 years old) are also subject to this requirement. Guidance can be found here Criminal records checks for overseas applicants (Opens in a new tab).

UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see NHS Careers website (opens in a new window).

Employer details

Employer name

Livewell Southwest


200 Mount Gould Road

Mount Gould




Employer's website

https://www.livewellsouthwest.co.uk/ (Opens in a new tab)

Employer details

Employer name

Livewell Southwest


200 Mount Gould Road

Mount Gould




Employer's website

https://www.livewellsouthwest.co.uk/ (Opens in a new tab)

For questions about the job, contact:

CAMHS Service Manager

Jayne Blood



Date posted

14 September 2023

Pay scheme

Agenda for change


Band 7


£43,742 to £50,056 a year pa, pro-rata


Fixed term


12 months

Working pattern

Full-time, Part-time, Job share, Flexible working

Reference number


Job locations

200 Mount Gould Road

Mount Gould




Supporting documents

Privacy notice

Livewell Southwest's privacy notice (opens in a new tab)