Job responsibilities
Title: Clinical Lead Primary and Community Mental Health
Salary: Clinical Lead rate £115 000 Pro rata
Base: PCS Headquarters
Working pattern 8 hours 20 minutes per week Fixed Term for 1 year
Responsible to: Medical Director PCS
Professionally Accountable to: Medical Director
About Primary Care Sheffield
Primary Care Sheffield (PCS) is a GP-led company set up and developed by general practice in Sheffield to provide support in delivering world class primary care. We do this by supporting practices and by working at scale. We work in partnership with Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust and Sheffield Mind to provide the Primary and Community Mental Health Service
General practice working at scale through PCS enables us to:
- Work in partnership with SHSC and Sheffield Mind to provide Primary and Community Mental Health Services to the City
And through our other services
- Improve the quality of GP referrals into secondary care with the provision of education, support and referral guidance to practices across ten outpatient specialities.
- Deliver and develop elective care pathways in Primary Care
- Deliver enhanced access on behalf of GP networks for those who are opted in
- Deliver same day urgent care, home visiting services and acute respiratory illness hubs
- Deliver the CMDU service for the ICB footprint
- Provide additional roles in to networks currently in the form of first contact physiotherapy
- Provide sexual health and gynae services to the city
- Operate 24hr ECG and vasectomy clinics and the NHS Healthchecks programme for the city
- Deliver core general practice through the PCS Practices
Our values are central to the way that we deliver our services and work together within PCS and with our partners. We are Open, Ambitious, Person-Centred, Empowering and Innovative.
Primary and Community Mental Health
This service has been designed to support people with serious and enduring mental illness and other complex needs, whose needs cannot be met by Talking Therapies, but that do not present the level of need for referral to secondary care services. The service came out of the NHS Long Term Plan and Community Framework for Mental Health for Adults and Older Adults which set out an ambitious programme of change for all community mental health service for serious mental illness across England between 2019/20 and 2023/24. The national commitment is to improve access to and experience of community mental health care and support and treatment for SMI. PCMH offers a core mental health offer within each of the current 15 Primary Care Networks in the City. The teams are made up of people from different organisations including the NHS and voluntary sector collaborating and working as one local community healthcare team to deliver the most impactful service for our patients. All staff working within the service work from one clinical system to enable information to be shared easily and in a timely manner with the wider community teams.
Job Purpose
The jobs purpose is to provide clinical leadership to the Primary and Community Mental Health Team from a General Practice Perspective
Work alongside the Leadership team to ensure clinical quality and safety including clinical protocols, reporting, audit and significant events with the support of a strong clinical team.
Provide a Primary Care voice to the Clinical Teams to help ensure the service meets the needs of the patients and colleagues within Primary Care
Share, with the Director of Operations, senior leadership and operational management responsibility for all aspects of service performance, delivery and development across the service.
Share responsibility with the Service Leads for achieving: high standards of clinical governance; high operational performance; sound financial management and improving productivity.
Be responsible for the culture of the teams, developing a learning environment and a climate which fosters clear lines of responsibility and accountability, and effective multi-disciplinary working.
Develop genuine partnerships with service users and carers / families and other statutory and non-statutory organisations / groups as required.
Use the PCS values to foster and promote an organisational culture and ethos of being open, ambitious, person-centred, empowering and innovative. Promote and foster a learning environment that enables the development of high quality and effective services.
Managerial Responsibilities
Provide effective Clinical Management of PCMH services, with clear lines of accountability and responsibility throughout.
Oversee the quality assurance and performance management of the service, including appropriate use of clinical metrics, including audit
Take responsibility for ensuring strong and effective multi-professional team working and effective clinical and management supervision throughout the service.
Ensure effective operational communication systems are in place, that meetings and networks have purpose, and that key staff and the exec team are kept informed of progress against identified plans.
Provide the lead clinical voice for multi-disciplinary views of practitioners within Primary Care.
Use effective information management and technology to support the delivery of services and management of the service, including effective clinical record keeping.
Ensure PCMH services are fully integrated within the wider Sheffield GP community and ensure representation of PCS at appropriate meetings.
Jointly professionally lead and support the teams to attain the highest levels of performance in:
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as determined by current contracts and the Board
- Access
- Quality of Care
- Delivery of Care
- Safe and Effective Care
- Patient and Staff Experience
- Compliance with regulatory standards including the Care Quality Commissions Key Lines Of Enquiry
Participate in own performance review, appraisal and revalidation and maintain an up-to-date personal development plan, undertake relevant training in order to contribute to the Primary Care objectives.
Governance Responsibilities
Create a learning environment which promotes evidence-based reflective practice, research and development, clinical effectiveness and audit.
Use and promote the PCS system for reporting and responding to incidents and serious incidents, appropriate investigations and evidence of learning lessons.
Ensure effective appraisal systems and supervision systems are maintained and implemented where required.
Contribute to complaints and matters of serious concern and ensure they are investigated in line with PCS policy, and that recommendations for improvements and lessons learned are implemented.
Ensure that staff understand the processes in place to raise concerns related to the standards of patient care.
Jointly lead on the risks associated with service provision, ensuring that teams learn from significant events and incidents. Ensure that a culture of learning from events is fostered.
Work closely with the GP community to share examples of good practice.
Ensure equality of opportunity and diversity in both service provision and employment.
To work with the Medical Director to ensure that services comply with all Care Quality Commission (CQC) standards
Implementation of NICE and other relevant best practice guidelines.
Support the improved use of technology and innovation to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, safety and accessibility of services.
Ensure that services can respond, in the event of a major incident and that business contingency plans are active...
Ensure compliance with relevant legislation.
Service Delivery and Improvement
Provide strong clinical primary care leadership in the development and delivery of services.
Use the outcomes of inspection, scrutiny, audit and performance review to improve services.
Ensure all practitioners are involved in the monitoring, review and improvement of service quality.
Contribute to setting the future direction and policies of services, in collaboration with the management team.
Support a learning environment which promotes evidence-based reflective practice, research and development, clinical effectiveness and audit and ensure educational and development needs are met
Support an environment within which services can be continuously improved through benchmarking and quality improvement processes.
Work in partnership with services users and carers, in operational and strategic planning and decision-making.